Bethany Independent Presbyterian Church


As the Scriptures say…(52)

As the Scriptures say…(52)


Follow Me

Jesus said to him, “If it is my will that he remain until I come, what is that to you? You follow me” (John 21:22)


Serving the Lord Jesus consists in following Him (John 12:26).  Following Jesus takes precedence over anything that stands in our ways as Christian leaders. This is precisely what the Lord Jesus seeks to inculcate in the mind and heart of Peter.


Jesus said to him (Peter)

  1. Jesus and Peter were talking about John the disciple whom Jesus loved

(John 21:2-21)

  1. Jesus responded, saying, “…what is that to you?…”


If it is my will that he remain…

  1. Whether John would live long or not depends upon the will of Jesus
  2. It is entirely of God to decide when one is to die
  3. It is hypothetic that John lived until the return of the Lord Jesus
    1. Even if that hypothesis were practically true, Peter has no reason why that should concern him at all
    2. Peter has nothing to be concerned about whether John would live long or short
  4. Most of the times, many things occupy our minds
  5. We should rather seek to inculcate ourselves with the followership of Jesus


You follow me

  1. The call “Follow Me” in the context of an individual life
    1. is of Jesus’ call (John 21:19)
    2. is personal (John 21:22)
    3. is direct
  2. “Follow Me” in the context of the Church
    1. Is the primary criterion of discipleship
    2. Is the sole method of serving the Lord
    3. Is of how one should live as a member of God’s people
  3. “Follow Me” in the context of Leadership
    1. Is precisely how one expresses her supreme love for her sovereign Lord
    2. Is solely how one leads others



  1. Peter must follow Jesus
    1. As the Shepherd
    2. As the ultimate Leader
  2. Peter must let Jesus to take charge of his (Peter’s) own life
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