Bethany Independent Presbyterian Church


As the Scriptures say…(46)

As the Scriptures say…(46)



Sharing in divine prerogative rights

If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you withhold forgiveness from any, it is withheld” (John 20:23)


Christians, while judging things on the basis of the will of God together, are actually sharing in the divine prerogative rights to forgive or retain sins of people. This is part of the reason why we a church (which is a body of believers) should always handle our “keys of the kingdom of heaven” with the greatest deal of seriousness (Matt.16:19).


If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them

  1. None except God can forgive sins of people
  2. Forgiving sins of people is God’s prerogative right
    1. Only God can forgive sins
    2. God alone has the right to forgive sins
  3. We are privileged to share in God’s prerogative rights of forgiving people’s sins
  4. Let us not misuse this honor of sharing in this Divine prerogative right


If you withhold forgiveness from any, it is withheld

  1. Retaining the sins of people is God’s prerogative right
  2. God alone can withhold forgiveness from people; Only He can release people from the consequences of their sins
  3. We are offered the honor of sharing in God’s right of retaining the sins of people
  4. Let us seek to do our parts well as we partake in this divine prerogative right of not forgiving people


How can we best handle our “keys of the kingdom of heaven” (Matt.16:19)?

  1. The “keys of the kingdom of heaven” refers to God’s revelation in and through the Scriptures (Matt.16:17); The keys of the kingdom of heaven may be taken as
    1. A reference to the scriptural authority of the Church
    2. A reference to the spiritual authority of the Church
  2. As followers of Christ Jesus, we are sent into the world with the “keys of the kingdom of heaven”
  3. Hence, we are to declare the written authority of the Scriptures
    1. As to the question of God’s retaining of the sins of people
    2. As to the question of God’s forgiving of the sins of people
  4. Simply put, we merely pronounce what has already been decreed in heaven
    1. This is a declaration of God’s decrees
    2. This is a pronouncement of God’s verdicts
  5. We are simply honored to share in God’s prerogative rights!
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