Bethany Independent Presbyterian Church


As the Scriptures say…26

As the Scriptures say…26



Practice the doctrine of righteousness

Little children, let no one deceive you. He who practices righteousness is righteous, just as He is righteous. He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose, the Son of God was manifested that He might destroy the works of the devil (1John 3:7-8)


Little children, let no one deceive you

  1. Lovingly John addresses his readers
  2. Lovingly John urges them that they must not be deceived by anyone
  3. Deception by the way is a grave danger
  4. We must take every preventive measure against any kind of deception


He who practices righteousness is righteous

  1. Positionally believers are regarded as the righteous
  2. Practically believers are to live out this gift of righteousness
    1. We practice righteousness simply because we are declared righteous
    2. We are actually righteous because we do what is right and righteous before God
  3. We become actually righteous by doing what is righteous, just as the Lord Himself is righteous
    1. Jesus Christ is righteous in every sense of the word
    2. We too must be righteous practically since we are positionally righteous


He who sins is of the devil …

  1. Sin is the character of the devil
  2. He has sinned from the beginning
    1. Since the beginning of the existence of all
    2. Since the beginning of our knowledge of him (the devil)
  3. Anyone who keeps sinning is from the devil (John 8)
    1. No repentance is ever pursued
    2. Only rebellion against God is undertaken


For this purpose, the Son of God was manifested …

  1. The purpose of the incarnation of Christ is stated
    1. To destroy the works of the devil
    2. To defeat the devil himself
  2. We Christians must identify ourselves with this purpose of the incarnation of Christ, the Son of God
    1. By putting to death all of our actual sins
    2. By practicing the doctrine of righteousness
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