Bethany Independent Presbyterian Church


As the Scriptures say…11

As the Scriptures say…11


No cause for stumbling

Whoever says he is in the light and hates his brother is still in darkness. Whosever loves his brother abides in the light, and in him there is no cause for stumbling

(1 John 2:9-10)


In light no darkness. Anyone walking in the light has no cause for stumbling!


Whoever says he is in the light

  1. This is the claim made
  2. But the claim made must be measured up by the walk one takes up
  3. Is a person what he is as he claims to be so?
  4. Or does a person walk her talk?


And hates his brother is still in darkness

  1. One who claims to be Christian and yet hates his brethren is still in darkness
  2. This kind of being Christian is self-contradiction in term, to say the least
  3. Hatred one shoulders against one’s brother is that which courts God’s punitive judgment (Amos 1:11)
  4. One following Jesus is to love even his enemy, traditional or circumstantial


Whosever loves his brother abides in the light

  1. Abiding in the light means that
    1. We love our brethren
    2. We ‘care for’ our brethren in a practical way
  2. Love substantiates our relationship with God
  3. Love embodies our walk in the light
  4. Love among brethren is that which counts in God’s sight
    1. We are told to love
    2. We are shown how to love
    3. We are enabled to love
  5. As we love brethren,
    1. We know that we are not in darkness
    2. We know that we are of the light
    3. We know for sure that we are of God –the light


And in him there is no cause for stumbling

  1. Loving God, we obey God
  2. Loving Jesus, we follow Him
  3. Loving Brethren, we serve them
  4. For us who loves God and brethren, there is no stumbling block
    1. As to how we follow Jesus
    2. As to how we obey His commandments
    3. As to how we treat our brethren
  5. It is safe and right to follow such a disciple of Jesus who abides in the light!
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