Bethany Independent Presbyterian Church


As the Scriptures say (7)

As the Scriptures say (7)

True Worship

God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth (John 4:24)


God is spirit

  1. What does it mean by the sentence, “God is spirit”?
  2. Essentially God is a spiritual being
  3. God is thus invisible
  4. God is not confined to any physical boundary, geographical and racial
  5. God transcends all

Those who worship Him

  1. There are some who do not worship God who is spirit
    1. They may worship any deities which are not spirit
    2. They may worship any images made
    3. They may worship anything except God
  2. There are those of us who worship God
  3. How must we worship such God who is spirit?

Worship in spirit and truth (Cf. 2Chron.16:9)

  1. We who worship God must worship in spirit and truth
    1. This is a prescription given as to how we may worship God at all
    2. This is a necessary requirement as we seek to worship God at all times
  2. The phrase “in spirit” may mean
    1. One’s attitudinal approach
    2. One’s wholeheartedness
    3. A denial of one’s external conformity to rituals and elements of religion
    4. A rejection of any religio-culturalistic approach of worship
  3. The phrase “in…truth” may imply that
    1. We worship God in accordance with the teaching of the Scriptures
    2. We worship God in the light of the truth exemplified by Jesus
    3. We worship God in the grace of God found in Christ Jesus (2Tim.2:1)
    4. We worship God with our loyal hearts (Cf. the example of Hezekiah-2 Chron.31:21)


  1. Clearly the emphasis on the worshippers, not so much on the act of worship
      1. Do we worship God according to the teaching of the Scriptures?
      2. Are we loyal and truthful in heart and mind as we worship God?
      3. Do we seek to be true to God and His Word as true worshippers?
  2. God indeed seeks such true worshippers
  3. May we be found truthful in our worship of God!
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