Bethany Independent Presbyterian Church


As the Scriptures say… (49)

As the Scriptures say… (49)



No greater joy!

For I rejoiced greatly when brethren came and testified of the truth that is in you, just as you walk in the truth. I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in [truth.

(3 John 3-4)


For I rejoiced greatly when brethren came …

  1. John the Apostle was so happy
    1. When brethren came to him
    2. When they testified of the truth that is in Gaius
  2. How could the brethren know the truth in Gaius?
    1. The truth believed in becomes observable as one lives it out
    2. The truth lived out becomes known to others
  3. Let us rejoice as people live out the truth taught each week


Just as you walk in the truth

  1. The brethren testified of the truth that is in Gaius
    1. Just as he practices it
    2. Just as he walks in it
  2. The truth thus is meant not only to be believed in but also to be acted on
  3. Gaius did just that, which brought great joy to the Apostle John
  4. Let us seek to make the truth part of us


I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth

  1. John does not have a privilege of seeing his children walk in truth
  2. John, however, has a privilege of hearing from the brethren that his children walk in truth
  3. That his children walk in truth brings much joy to the heart of the Apostle John
  4. Let us rejoice in the Lord
    1. As our children walk in truth
    2. As our church members obey the Word of God



  1. Let us cultivate a heart that rejoices when others walk in the truth
  2. Let us seek to live out the truth we have been taught
  3. May our practice of the truth bring
    1. much joy to the hearts of our leaders, and
    2. great honor to the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ!



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