Bethany Independent Presbyterian Church


As the Scriptures say… (43)

As the Scriptures say… (43)



Walking in truth

Grace, mercy, and peace will be with you from God the Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love.   I rejoiced greatly that I have found some of your children walking in truth, as we received commandment from the Father.

(2 John 3-4)


Grace, mercy, and peace

  1. Apostles usually sent out greetings
    1. Paul
    2. Peter
  2. The inclusion of ‘mercy’ stands out
    1. God is the God of grace and peace
    2. He is the God also of mercy/compassion (Exodus 33:20)
  3. The source of grace, mercy, and peace
    1. God the Father
    2. The Lord Jesus Christ


Grace, mercy, and peace…in truth and love

  1. John wishes grace, mercy, and peace for his readers
  2. He truly wishes them for all these blessings
    1. In truth
    2. In love
  3. Wish and prayer encased in this greeting is out of truth and love


I rejoiced greatly that I have found some of your children walking in truth

  1. The word “some” is not part of the original sentence
  2. John the apostle rejoices because
    1. Some children of the elect lady walk in truth
    2. Whereas some other children of the same lady do not walk in truth
  3. John expresses his joy over all the children of the elect lady
    1. As they walk in truth
    2. As they live out the truth
  4. Joy as such is a by-product of ‘walking in truth’


As we received commandment from the Father

  1. ‘Walking in truth’ means
    1. Living out the truth
    2. Putting into practice the truth
  2. This ‘walking in truth’ is commanded by the Lord Jesus (Cf. John 14:15ff)
  3. This commandment of the Lord Jesus is actually from God the Father (Cf. John 5:30)
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