Bethany Independent Presbyterian Church


As the Scriptures say…

As the Scriptures say…


True Disciples of Christ

“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand (John 10:27-28)


True disciples of Jesus are close to him. Intimacy of relationship with Christ Jesus is that which characterizes them as such.


My sheep hear my voice

  1. A metaphor of sheep and shepherd is employed
  2. Shepherd in the context is none other than the Lord Jesus
  3. “My sheep” therefore is a group of disciples true to Jesus
  4. These disciples of Jesus hear his voice
    1. They differentiate the voice of Jesus from those of others
    2. They understand Jesus when he speaks to them
    3. They obey Jesus


And I know them

  1. There is a close communion between Jesus and his sheep
  2. The disciples of Jesus hear him every time he speaks to them
  3. And Jesus knows them well
    1. Many assume they know God
    2. Many presume they know Jesus
    3. Does Jesus know us at all?
  4. There is no question as to the fact that Jesus knows his disciples


And they follow me

  1. The whole point of hearing Jesus, as for true disciples,
    1. Is expressed in their followership
    2. Is culminated in their abiding in the words of Jesus
  2. They do not follow the dictates of their hearts
  3. They are not led by the influences of others
  4. They are closely following Jesus the Christ


And I give them eternal life…

  1. Eternal life then is not earned but given
  2. With that gift of God comes divine protection
  3. Therefore “no perishing of life” is in view for true disciples!


Closeness of relationship between a person and Jesus the Shepherd is characteristic of a true disciple. Christianity is indeed a religion of relationship! Let us find ourselves growing in our relationship with the Lord Jesus (Cf. Phil. 3:10).

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