As the Scriptures say…(42)
No guilt in Jesus
Pilate went out again and said to them, “See, I am bringing him out to you that you may know that I find no guilt in him” (John 19:4)
Things prior to this point
- Pilate found no guilt in Jesus after having a private interaction with Jesus in his headquarters (John 18: 33-38)
- Pilate sought to release Jesus in accordance with the Jewish custom at the Passover (John 18:39)
- The chief priests and the Jewish religious officers asked for the letting go of Barabbas a robber instead (John 18:40)
- Then Pilate had Jesus flogged with a wooden handle with leather thongs, the end of each leather thong has pieces of bones or metal. Afterwards, Jesus was put on a crown of thorns and purple robe (John 19:1-3)
- So that the Jews might have pity on Jesus
- So that he (Pilate) himself could release Jesus on the Jewish religious leaders’ request
Pilate went out again…
- This is the third time Pilate went out (of his headquarters) to the Jewish religious leaders (John 18:29, 18:38, John 19:4)
- Three times, Pilate sought to have no part in dealing with Jesus; Pilate said to the chief priests and other religious leaders that
- They should judge Jesus by their own law (John 18:31)
- He himself found no guilt in Jesus (John 18:38)
- He actually found no guilt in Jesus (John 19:4, 19:6)
- Jesus once again stood guiltless before Pilate
See, I am bringing him (Jesus) out to you
- This time, Pilate did not come out alone to talk to the Jews
- He brought out Jesus to the Jews, caricaturing Him as their King
- The fellow Jews then saw with their own eyes Jesus with the wounds of the beatings all over His body
- They must have understood that Pilate’s mockery of Jesus was also an obvious insult on them as a people
That you may know that I find no guilt in him
- Pilate wanted the Jews to know that he found no guilt in Jesus
- This was what all the Jews there must know for sure.
- Let us always stay confident that Jesus the sinless died in our place for our salvation (2 Cor. 5:21)
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