As the Scriptures say…(38)

As the Scriptures say…(38)



Life and work

Sanctify them in your truth; your word is truth. As you sent me into the world, I also sent them into the world (John 17:17-18).


There is an inseparable connection between the life and work of a minister of the Gospel. Our choice as to how to live our lives must have a direct bearing on the work we are called to do.


Sanctify them in your truth

  1. The word “sanctify” in a biblical theological means “to set apart.”
  2. It thus has two meanings implied
    1. One is separated for holiness
    2. One is set apart for service
  3. The disciples were to advance in holiness
  4. The disciples were to carry out their God-given work as well
  5.  This kind of sanctification –  how we are to live and how we are to carry out our task entrusted – is to be discerned in the truth of God


Your word is truth

  1. The truth is none other than the Word of God
    1. Jesus is the Word (of God) to us (John 1:14)
    2. The Scripture is the Word of God (2 Tim 3:16)
  2. It is the Word of God, that is true and truthful
  3. Because the Word is true and truthful,
    1. We are to take it with all seriousness
    2. We are to treasure it with all simplicity
  4. This is the Word (of God) that must have a final say over
    1. How we should live
    2. What we should do, and how we should do what we are called to do
  5. God’s Word as the truth is not only constitutive of our life but also determinative of our mission


As you sent me….so I have sent them into the world

  1. We ministers of Christ are sent into the world
    1. With the authority Jesus has given us (Cf. John 17:2)
    2. With the Word Jesus has given us (Cf. John 17:8)
    3. For the work Jesus has given us (Cf. John 17:4)
    4. For the would-be believers Jesus has prayed for (John 17:20)
  2. How we live is our mission here on earth


May we too bring glory and honour to God by the way we choose to live!

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