As the Scriptures say…(36)

As the Scriptures say…(36)



The people

I have manifested your name to the people, whom you gave me out of the world. Yours they were, and you gave them to me, and they have kept your word (John 17:6)


Jesus is single-minded when it comes to mission entrusted to Him. He is focused on the people God has given Him. He has made sure that the people are indeed the right ones keeping the Word.


I have manifested your name

  1. Manifestation of course has something to do with revelation (John 17:26)
    1. Jesus has revealed who God is
    2. Jesus has made known the kind of God His Father is
    3. Jesus has helped the people know God in and through Him
  2. Jesus manifested God’s name by accomplished the work given to Him

(John 17:4), and this work is a reference to

  1. His teaching that God His Father is the true God, and He Himself is the Messiah (John 17:3)
  2. His giving of eternal life to the people (John 17:2)
  3. His redemptive work to be accomplished on the Cross (John 17:1 ‘glorification’ refers to Jesus’ resurrection as in John 7:39)


To the people, whom you gave me…

  1. Jesus revealed God’s name to the people, definite and specific
    1. They were specific (the use of the definite article)
    2. They were ones called out of the world
  2. Who are these people?
    1. The people God chose for Himself (Cf. Deut. 7:6)
    2. The people God gave to Jesus (See also, John 17:2)
  3. The people were God’s first, and now Jesus’
  4. Jesus is focused on the people God has given to Him


And they have kept your word

  1. The people have heard and seen Jesus sharing God’s life and love with peoples
  2. The people have been instructed to know and believe that Jesus is the Messiah and His Father is the true God
  3. The challenge then for the people is to live out what they have been taught
  4. Jesus indeed makes sure that they become the people of the Word!
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