As the Scriptures say…(35)
Direct access to the Father
In that day you will ask in my name, and I do not say to you that I shall pray the Father for you; for the Father Himself loves you, because you have loved Me, and have believed that I came forth from God (John 16:26-27)
We all are granted direct access to the Father on account of the redemption of the Lord Jesus. To deny the reality of that truth is contrary to Christ and His teaching. It is more than critical that we seek to understand what is being taught in the text chosen.
In that day…
- There were times when the disciples did not ask in the name of the Lord Jesus while walking here on earth (John 16:24)
- There will surely come a time when they will ask in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for He will no longer remain here on earth (John 16:26)
- What is this “that day”?
- A time when Jesus will have finished His mission here on earth
- A time when Jesus sit at the right hand of His Father in heaven
- A time when Jesus as the High Priest will intercede for us in the presence of God the Father in heaven
- A time when Jesus will have left the world and gone to the Father (John 16:28)
- This is the time the disciples will actually ask things in the name of Jesus Christ
I do not say…I shall pray the Father for you
- What it does not mean
- That Jesus will cease praying for us as our High Priest (Heb.7:25)
- That we do not need Jesus as our Mediator (Heb. 9:15)
- What it does mean
- That Jesus will not need to pray the Father to forgive us because forgiveness of sins has been provided in and through the shedding of the blood of Jesus (Heb.9:22)
- That Jesus does not need to beg the Father to love us because the Father Himself loves us
- We are simply granted direct access to God our Father
Because you have loved Me, and have believed …
- There is a reason behind – because of our love for the lord Jesus and faith in Him as the Christ of the living God
- Love is substantiated in our obedience while faith in our confession (Romans 10: 9-10)
May our faith in Christ be well spoken of while our love for Him see us imitating Him!
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