As the Scriptures say…32

As the Scriptures say…32



Asking and receiving

Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us, we have confidence toward God. And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight (1John 3:21-22)


Beloved, if our heart does not condemn us…

  1. The word “beloved” is used for a number of things
    1. To show affection toward the readers
    2. To show the relationship between John and his readers
  2. Our “heart” that can condemn us
    1. Is our inner testimony
    2. Is our good conscience
  3. Once our heart does not hold us guilty before God,
    1. We are safe and secure internally
    2. We are confident that we are on God’s side or God is on our side
  4. This is ‘having confidences toward God’


And whatever we ask we receive from Him…

  1. There are things to make an inquiry of as we pray to God
  2. There are also things we ask for as we pray to God
    1. We may ask for wisdom (James 1)
    2. We may ask for His paths (Ps.25)
    3. We may ask for strength needed (Isaiah 48?)
  3. We will receive them as we ask of God


Because we keep His commandments

  1. The simple reason is that we keep His commandments
  2. Keeping the commandments will help us
    1. What to ask
    2. How to ask


(Because) we do those things that are pleasing in His sight

  1. The obvious reason is that we do those things that are pleasing in His sight
  2. Seeking the things that are pleasing in God’s sight is one thing
  3. Doing those things that are pleasant to God is entirely another thing
  4. How can a person do such things that are pleasing in God’s sight?
    1. Only by keeping the written commandments of God
    2. Only by being led by the Spirit of God to fulfil the teaching of the Scriptures


First of all, let us seek to be doers of the Word! Let us also attempt to do things that are pleasing to the Lord as a way of fulfilling the Word given.

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