As the Scriptures say…(32)

As the Scriptures say…(32)



The Helper-Spirit

But when the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, he will bear witness about me. And you also bear witness, because you have been with me from the beginning (John 15:26-27)


The Spirit plays a major role in the work of witnessing for the Lord Jesus.

However, such role of the Spirit of God as this does not rule out the necessity that each witness must be with Jesus from the beginning.


But when the Helper comes…

  1. Jesus promises to send to us the Spirit from the Father
  2. The Spirit was sent proceeding from the Father on the Day of Pentecost
  3. Who is this Spirit?
    1. The Spirit sent is the Helper
    2. He is the Spirit of truth
    3. He will bear witness about Jesus
  4. He being the Spirit of truth will reveal to us Jesus, the truth of God
  5. He being sent by Jesus Himself will testify for Him (Jesus)
  6. He as the Helper will aid us in our journey of discipleship


And you also will bear witness

  1. As the Spirit bears within us about who Jesus truly is, we too will be compelled to testify of the Lord Jesus (Cf. Romans 8:16-17, Acts 5:32)
  2. As the Spirit works in us mightily, we too will endeavor more earnestly in our proclamation of the Gospel (Col. 1:29)
  3. As the Spirit helps us, we will be enabled to bear witness for Jesus more effectively
  4. This of course is one side of the coin when it comes to living for Jesus


Because you have been with me from the beginning

  1. The notion of ‘being with me’ from the beginning is all that which matters (Mk. 3:13-14)
  2. The Spirit enables us so that we can become better witnesses of Jesus simply because we have been with Jesus from the beginning
    1. No help of the Spirit is available to a person if he does not stay true to Jesus
    2. No power is granted unless one has been with Jesus faithfully
  3. The challenge then is for us to be with Jesus “from the beginning” which might mean
    1. From the very start of knowing Him up to now
    2. Faithfully
    3. Continuously
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