As the Scriptures say…(03)

As the Scriptures say…(03)



That which we have seen and heard we proclaim also to you, so that you too may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ. And we writing these things so that our joy may be complete (1John 1:3-4)


Fellowship (Gk- koinonia) is a term that speaks of a form of social relations based on the common goal and interest whatever it may be. For us Christians, fellowship refers to a form of social relationship anchored on our apostolic credos – “one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all” – as can be read in the epistle of Paul to Ephesian brethren (4:4-6).


That which we have seen…

  1. John and the other apostles are committed to proclaiming Jesus
    1. As the eternal logos
    2. As the eternal life
    3. As the one with God the Father
  2. They proclaim only what they have experienced (Cf. Acts 4:20)
  3. The Apostles’ experiences and testimonies back up their proclamation


So that you too may have fellowship with us

  1. The purpose of preaching/teaching is for the hearers/readers to believe in Jesus (John 20:31)
  2. “So that” indicates the purpose behind the writing of the first epistle; it is meant to aid the readers
    1. To share the same faith with Apostles
    2. To partake in the common fellowship with the Apostles
  3. Readers/hearers then are not only theologically but also socially identified with the Apostles
  4. Only then, would the believers be not only spiritually but also directly/personally associated with God the Father and Jesus His Son


And we are writing …that our joy may be complete

  1. Seeing people coming to have faith in Jesus causes us to rejoice in the Lord
  2. Witnessing how people join in the common Christian fellowship brings an exceedingly great joy to our hearts
  3. This is how our joy in Christ can be fully complete
    1. The joy of apostles is complete when all these things take place
    2. The joy of readers/hearers is full when all these things are part of their life-experience
  4. Let us find full and complete joy in the Lord through fellowshipping one another in faith!
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