As the Scriptures say…(28)
The ‘I AM’ declaration of Jesus
Jesus said to him (Thomas), “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me (John 14:6)
Who is Jesus, not in the opinion of anyone of us, but in accordance with his own claim? Jesus is the way to God, the truth of God, and the life (hidden) in God.
I am
- This is the sixth ‘I AM’ saying of Jesus
- The rest of the ‘I AM’ sayings of Jesus are:
- I am the bread of life (John 6:35)
- I am the light of the world (John 8:12)
- I am the door of the sheep (John 10:7)
- I am the good shepherd (John 10:11,14)
- I am the resurrection and the life (John 11:25)
- I am the true vine (John 15:1,5)
- The ‘I AM’ statement of Jesus is Jesus’ self-disclosure declared
I am the way
- Jesus is the way to God
This is in the context of Thomas’ question (John 14:5)
- Following Jesus as the way
- Is equal to ‘walking in the light of the Lord’ (Isaiah 2:5)
- Is also the way to live as God’s children
- Abiding in Jesus as the way results in eternal blessedness
I am the truth
- Jesus is the truth of God
He is the personal truth of God. He is the express image of who God is (John 1:18ff; Heb.1:3; Col.1:15)
- He is God’s “Yes” to us with all our sin-problems (2 Cor.1:20)
He is the fulfillment of God’s promises in person.
- Putting into action whatever Jesus taught and embodied
- Is equivalent to the keeping of the Torah
- Is also the source of knowing God’s will
I am the life
- Jesus is the life of God
He is the very life of divine, resourceful and eternal (1John 1:1-2)
- He being the life is the light of us (John 1:4)
- Clinging onto Jesus the life of God is the same as having our very life hidden with Christ in God (Col. 3:3-4)
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