As the Scriptures say…25

As the Scriptures say…25



Manifested to take away our sins

And you know that he was manifested to take away our sins; and in him is no sin. Whosoever abides in him does not sin: whoever sins does not see Him, nor know Him (1John 3:5-6)


And you know that he was manifested to take away our sins

  1. That the Son of God became a human being is a concrete fact of knowledge, historical and theological
    1. Christ was born of the Virgin Mary
    2. Many were involved in the birth of the baby Christ (Matthew 1)
      1. Angles
      2. Shepherds
  • Wise men
  1. Mary and Joseph
  1. The purpose of the incarnation of Christ Jesus is to take away our sins
    1. He came as the Lamb of God to take away the sin of the world (John 1:29)
    2. He paid in full the whole wages of sin on the cross (John 19:30; Romans 6:23)


And in Him is no sin

  1. The Lord Jesus came for the salvation of sinners
  2. But He was not a sinner
    1. He was not guilty of any sins (John 19)
    2. He spoke no lie (1Peter 2:22)
  3. He was the truth personified (John 14:6)


Whoever abides in Him does not sin…

  1. The idea of abiding in Christ means
    1. Remaining true to Him
    2. Keeping all His commandments
  2. Those who abide in Jesus are the ones
    1. Abiding by the words of Jesus,
    2. Avoiding sins (actual sins)
  3. The principle thus is clear: the one who abides in Jesus will not live in sin


Whoever sins does not see Him or know Him

  1. The question is ‘what if someone keeps sinning as a way of life?’
  2. Such a one does not know Jesus as he claims
  3. Such a person does not understand Jesus as he should
  4. Such a brother is not a true believer as he thinks of himself to be
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