As the Scriptures say…24
This hope in the return of the Lord
And every man that has this hope in him purifies himself, even as he is pure. Whoever commits sin transgresses also the law; for sin is the transgression of the law (1 John 3:3-4)
And every man that has this hope in him purifies himself…
- The hope being referred to here has everything to do with the return of the Lord Jesus
- The Lord Jesus promises us His return
- This promise now becomes our hope
- Included in this hope are (1 John 3:2)
- We shall be transformed
- We shall be like Him
- We shall see Him as He is
- Who is entitled to having this hope?
- Believers of Jesus (John 1:12)
- Recipients of God’s love (1John 3:1)
- Adopted children of God (Romans 8:15ff)
- True and authentic Christians
- A person having this hope purifies himself
- He cleanses himself from all unrighteousness
- He keeps the law of love commanded
- A criterion of purification
- Just as the Lord Jesus is pure
- Like the Lord Jesus Himself
Whoever commits sin transgresses also the law
- This is a true and general statement
- The law brings us the knowledge of sin (Romans 7:7)
- All who commit sins, therefore, have now come to know (realise) that they have actually transgressed also the law
- This is true of all the laws in general
- This is true of the Decalogue in particular
For sin is the transgression of the law
- This is the logic of reasoning behind
- This is also the reason why one must keep the new commandment of love
- In other words, this is why we all must keep the command of love John ‘the one whom Jesus loved’ constantly seeks to implant in us
This hope for the return of the Lord Jesus must motivate us to do all we can on our parts to look like Him in every way possible at this present age!
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