As the Scriptures say…05

As the Scriptures say…05



Walk in the light

But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin. If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us (1John 1:7-8).


Walking in the light thus is none other than living a life patterned after the nature of God! Let us seek to behave like God.


But if we walk in the light…

  1. That we truly walk in the light must result in having fellowship with one another
  2. That God is indeed the light must be reflected in how we actually live each day of our life
  3. Christian life therefore is
    1. Reflective of who God is
    2. Patterned after God the light
    3. Inseparable to common fellowship of the believers


The blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us…

  1. God forgives us of our sins on account of the blood of Jesus
    1. God does not remember our sins any longer
    2. God does not hold us accountable for our sins
    3. But the sins remain in (within us) unless we are cleansed from them, thereby weighing us down as we run the race of faith (Heb.12:1)
  2. Jesus cleanses us from all our sins through the shedding of his blood on the Cross
    1. Our sins are so deeply rooted in us that we hardly get out of them
      1. Sins usually starts as acts
      2. Sins slowly turn out as habits
  • Sins eventually become part of our nature
  1. It takes the blood of Jesus not only to be forgiven of all our sins, but also to be cleansed from all our sins positionally


The Example of David the Psalmist as to the practical cleansing of sins (Psalm 51)

  1. Forgiveness of sins is pleaded for (Ps.51:1)
    1. God may forgive us of all our sins in His abundant mercy
    2. God may forget all our sins in His eternal love
  2. Cleansing of sins is repeatedly asked for (Ps.51:2,7)
  3. Wash us thoroughly from all our iniquity (Ps.51:2)
  4. Cleanse us from all our sin (Ps.51:2)
  5. Purge us and wash us (Ps.51:7)
  6. And above all, ‘create in us a new heart…and renew a right spirit within us’ (Ps.51:10)


Let us never deceive ourselves that we have no sins. Let us stand truthful to the reality that we have sins and Jesus cleanses us from all of them. And let us seek to walk as cleansed and holy children of the light!

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