As the Scriptures say…04

As the Scriptures say…04



God is light

This is the message we have heard from him and proclaim to you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth (1John 1:5-6)


God is light; anything contrary to who God is is sin! Ones having fellowship with God must practice what is true and truthful.


This is the message …

  1. The definite message is being referred to
  2. The message being pointed out is that God is light!
    1. God is holy and good (ontologically)
    2. God is righteous and true (morally)
    3. God is beautiful (aesthetically)
  3. No darkness is found in God; darkness refers to
    1. Moral imperfections
    2. Evilness or wrongdoing
    3. Falsehood or lie
  4. This message is that which the Apostles have received from God Himself

(Cf. Gal. 1:12). It is exactly what they proclaim to the scattered brethren


If we say we have fellowship with Him…

  1. Some people claim that they have fellowship with God
  2. And their conduct however proves that the reverse is true
    1. They may be good at talking
    2. But they do not walk their talk worthily
  3. The truth is that a person having fellowship with God will surely walk accordingly
    1. She will surely get rid of lies and falsehood from her own life
    2. She then will practice the truth


We lie and do not practice the truth

  1. Lie comes to us so naturally when we set aside the truth
  2. Lying is part of our nature when we are not part of the truth
  3. Lying of course is anything but
    1. The denial of the truth
    2. The neglect of the truth
  4. What is this truth being talked about?
    1. That God is light is the truth
    2. That this truth – God is light – brings us to opt for truthful living is true


That God is light is the message. This message is also the truth. And this truth must have a remarkable bearing on us God’s children!

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