As the Scriptures say…01

As the Scriptures say…01


The word of life


That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon and have touched with our hands, concerning the word of life –

 (1John 1:1)



John – the author of the epistle

1.      He is the disciple and apostle of Jesus Christ (Cf. John 6:13-14)

2.      He and his brother James were known as “sons of Zebedee” (Matt. 10:2-4) whom Jesus called “sons of Thunder” (Mark 3:17)

3.      He, along with Peter and James, is Jesus’ close associate (Matt. 17:1; 26:37)

4.      He identifies himself as ‘the disciple whom Jesus loved’ in his gospel (John 21:7, 20)

5.      He also authors the book of Revelation (Rev.1:1)

6.      He writes this epistle and the other two as an eye witness of Jesus



Jesus – the word of life

1.      Jesus is the word that has eternally been “from the beginning”

a.       He is the word that has no beginning in time and space

b.      He is the word that is eternal

2.      Jesus is the word “which we have heard…seen…looked upon…touched…”

a.       He is the word enfleshed (Cf. Hebrews 10:5-7)

b.      He is the word that is historical

3.      Jesus is the word “which we have…”

a.       He is the word who we can relate to

b.      He is the word who places us right in God’s sight (John 1:12)

c.       There is every possibility that we can have a personal intimate relationship with the Lord Jesus

4.      Jesus is “the word of life” (1John 1:1, John 1:1)

a.       He is the word that gives life (John 1:4)

b.      He is the word that enlightens all (John 1:4)




1.      Jesus is God’s word to us

We are re-created by God through Jesus the logos (Cf. Gen.1)

2.      Jesus is God’s life to us

We are created alive in Jesus God’s word of life

3.      Jesus – the word of life – means

a.       That God opts for our life, not our death

b.      That He (Jesus) effectuates life in us the dead by virtue of who He is as the Logos

4.      Fulfilling the Scriptures (God’s Word) is the same as following Jesus (the word of life)!



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