As the Scriptures Say… (56)
Jude’s Theology of Greetings
Mercy, peace and love be multiplied to you
(Jude 2)
- Jewish people send greetings
- Epistle writers of the New Testament send greetings respectively
- Greetings in a theological analysis
- Are part of what we hope for
- Are part of our prayer for the others in question
Mercy, and peace
- A Jewish common greeting includes
- Mercy
- Peace
- Some Biblical writers include ‘grace’ in their greetings
- Examples
- The Apostle John (2 John 3)
- The Apostle Peter (2 Peter 1:2)
- The Apostle Paul (2 Timothy 1:2)
Mercy, peace and love…
- Jude adds ‘love’ in his greetings to the brethren
- His addition of love in the greeting makes it so distinctive
- As a Christian greeting (Cf. John 13:34-35)
- As his own version in every sense of the word
- His prayer is that God’s mercy, peace, and love are granted to his audience in abundance
Jude’s Theology of greetings
- Jude’s greeting speaks of his theology of God
- God is merciful, caring (loving), and able to give us His peace
- A cluster of ‘mercy, peace, and love’ is to be received in multiplication
- Let us read Jude’s theology of greetings with the help of Ephesians 2:4 -14:
- Where mercy triumphs, there is love
- Where love prevails, there is salvation
- Where salvation is granted, peace reigns
- Let us learn to appreciate the thoughts behind the words of greetings
- Let us seek to greet one another with the influence and inspiration of the Word of God!
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