As the Scriptures say… (50)
Hospitability- 1
Beloved, you do faithfully whatever you do for the brethren and for strangers, who have borne witness of your love before the church. If you send them forward on their journey in a manner worthy of God, you will do well,
(2 John 5-6)
Beloved, you do faithfully whatever you do…
- Gaius is being referred to as ‘beloved’
- Gaius faithfully helps the brethren and strangers alike
- Brethren refers to people he knows
- Strangers are people (itinerant preachers) he does not know
- Gaius is hospital to both the brethren and the strangers
- He is in fact providing some help for them on their evangelistic journey
Who have borne witness of your love before the church
- ‘Who’ in this sentence refers to ‘the brethren and the strangers’ Gaius has aided as he is enabled
- These people borne witness of Gaius’ love before the church/congregation
- Gaius’ love for the Lord
- Gaius’ love for the people of the Lord
- Gaius is known for
- His hospitality
- His obedience (v-3)
- He is truly worth being recommended
If you send them forward on their journey in a manner worthy of God…
- John reminds Gaius of kind deeds he can do toward the people – the brethren and the itinerant preachers
- Gaius is encouraged to look after the itinerant teachers/preachers on their journey
- In a manner worthy of God
- In a way that God would treat
- Let us learn to treat one another in a way God would treat us
You will do well
- Gaius does well
- Compared to Diotrephes (v-10)
- Contrary to what Diotrephes does (v-10)
- John urges Gaius to keep practicing hospitability that he has been faithfully doing
- Gaius must then keep exercising hospitability towards brethren and strangers
- Let us keep doing faithfully whatever we have done right and well
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