As the Scriptures say… (49)
No greater joy!
For I rejoiced greatly when brethren came and testified of the truth that is in you, just as you walk in the truth. I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in [truth.
(3 John 3-4)
For I rejoiced greatly when brethren came …
- John the Apostle was so happy
- When brethren came to him
- When they testified of the truth that is in Gaius
- How could the brethren know the truth in Gaius?
- The truth believed in becomes observable as one lives it out
- The truth lived out becomes known to others
- Let us rejoice as people live out the truth taught each week
Just as you walk in the truth
- The brethren testified of the truth that is in Gaius
- Just as he practices it
- Just as he walks in it
- The truth thus is meant not only to be believed in but also to be acted on
- Gaius did just that, which brought great joy to the Apostle John
- Let us seek to make the truth part of us
I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth
- John does not have a privilege of seeing his children walk in truth
- John, however, has a privilege of hearing from the brethren that his children walk in truth
- That his children walk in truth brings much joy to the heart of the Apostle John
- Let us rejoice in the Lord
- As our children walk in truth
- As our church members obey the Word of God
- Let us cultivate a heart that rejoices when others walk in the truth
- Let us seek to live out the truth we have been taught
- May our practice of the truth bring
- much joy to the hearts of our leaders, and
- great honor to the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
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