As the Scriptures say… (42)

As the Scriptures say… (42)



Love and truth

The Elder, To the elect lady and her children, whom I love in truth, and not only I, but also all those who have known the truth, because of the truth which abides in us and will be with us forever:

(2 John 1-2)


The Elder

  1. John uses this title to refer to himself
  2. The same is true also of Peter (1Peter 5:1)
  3. The title “Elder” with reference to John speaks of
    1. Honor
    2. Authority
    3. The advanced age


To the elect lady and her children

  1. The phrase “elect lady” of course is
    1. Not a name of a person
    2. But a cryptic term used to describe the lady in question
  2. The elect lady must then be a notable lady known to all in the society
  3. John writes this personal letter to a member of the Church known as the elect lady and her children


Whom I love in truth, and not only I, but also all those who have known the truth

  1. The elect lady in the church
    1. Is known to many,
    2. And above all, is loved by John and others who have known the truth
  2. Love, in a theological analysis, is subject to the truth
  3. John and all those who have known the truth exemplify this truth


Because of the truth which abides in us and will be with us forever

  1. Love, John and others who have known the truth, have for the elect lady is
    1. Not only subject to the truth (“whom I love in truth”)
    2. But also motivated by the truth (“because of the truth”)
  2. This truth John speaks of here is
    1. That which abides in believes
    2. That which will be with believers forever
  3. This truth therefore is
    1. The truth of the Word of God (1 Peter 1:23-24)
    2. Jesus Christ – the truth of God Himself (John 14:6)
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