As the Scriptures say…(27)

As the Scriptures say…(27)




Truly, truly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master,

nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them (John 13:16-17)


Servanthood once theologically taken up is well understood in the light of a person’s obedience to his master. This must be true of those of us serving the Lord Jesus!


Truly, truly, I say to you

  1. This is a statement sworn
  2. This kind of statement must be taken into account with all seriousness


A servant is not greater than his master

  1. What the sentence does not mean
    1. A servant is not stronger than his master
    2. A servant is not more successful than his master
  2. What the sentence does mean
    1. A servant is less dignified in all aspects of life, compared with his master
    2. A servant is less honored by peoples, compared with his master
  3. A servant thus is not as great as his master


Nor is a messenger (Gk. “apostolos”) greater than the one who sent him

  1. A messenger always does what his sender commissions him to do
  2. A messenger merely executes mission given by his sender
  3. A messenger thus is a servant under his master


If (Gk.”ei”) you know these things

  1. Knowing what is right is one thing
  2. Doing accordingly is entirely another thing


Blessed are you if (Gk-“ean”) you do them

  1. There is a promise of blessedness in doing what is right and true
  2. Blessed are those of us who
    1. Follow Jesus as Master and Lord (John 13:13)
    2. Obey Jesus as Master and Teacher (John 13:13)
    3. Humble themselves to serve others in the pattern of Jesus (John 13:15)
  3. Blessed are us when we imitate Jesus like Paul ( 1 Cor.11:1)
    1. Imitation takes place when you are influenced and inspired by Jesus the Christ
    2. Imitation is real when you exhibit the life of Jesus God’s Son in real life


Let us be God’s servants who are delighted in doing the biddings of the Master Jesus!

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