As the Scriptures say (14)
The drawing of the Father
No one comes to me unless the Father who sent me draws him. And I will raise him up on the last day (John 6:44)
Jesus makes no apology as to one who does not believe in Him. It is ultimately the Father who draws ones to come to Jesus!
No one comes to me
- No one should be mistaken about the Lord’s invitation (Matt.11:28)
- All are invited
- Especially those who labor
- And those who are heavy laden
- No one should be left uninformed as the Scriptures’ witness (John 5:39-40)
- The Scriptures bear witness about Jesus
- The Scriptures point to Jesus the Messiah
- No one should have an excuse for not turning to God (Romans 2:1)
- God’s attributes are displayed in the created order (Rom.1:20)
- God’s wrath is revealed to all (Romans 1:18)
- Everybody is meant to come to Jesus in every sense of the word
- The sad reality though is that only a few (a remnant) comes to Jesus at all
Unless the Father…draws him
- The drawing of the Father to Himself is one of the promises given to Israelites in exile (Jeremiah 30:21); God will draw to Himself
- Only those who believe in the promises of God will come to God
- Only those who pledge their hearts to approach God
- Only the remnants who trust in the Lord
- The drawing of the Father here must be understood in the context of God’s teaching peoples (John 6:45); God will draw to Jesus
- Only those who have heard God’s teaching
- Only those who have learned from God
- God will do His parts, and we must do our parts
- We must draw near to God (James 4:8)
- We must obey what the Scriptures say (John 5: 39-40)
I will raise him up on the last day
- This is the promise given to us all who draw near to God
- This promise is the hope of us who the Father draws to Jesus
- We will be raised up to meet the Lord in the air (1Thes. 4:16ff)
- We will be risen like the Lord Jesus (1 Cor.15)
- Only those of us who make a conscious effort to draw near to God will be drawn to God Himself.
- Only if and when we are obedient to the teaching of God in the Scriptures, then will the Father draw us to the Lord Jesus!
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