As the Scriptures say (14)

As the Scriptures say (14)

The drawing of the Father

No one comes to me unless the Father who sent me draws him. And I will raise him up on the last day (John 6:44)


Jesus makes no apology as to one who does not believe in Him. It is ultimately the Father who draws ones to come to Jesus!


No one comes to me

  1. No one should be mistaken about the Lord’s invitation (Matt.11:28)
    1. All are invited
    2. Especially those who labor
    3. And those who are heavy laden
  2. No one should be left uninformed as the Scriptures’ witness (John 5:39-40)
    1. The Scriptures bear witness about Jesus
    2. The Scriptures point to Jesus the Messiah
  3. No one should have an excuse for not turning to God (Romans 2:1)
    1. God’s attributes are displayed in the created order (Rom.1:20)
    2. God’s wrath is revealed to all (Romans 1:18)
  4. Everybody is meant to come to Jesus in every sense of the word
  5. The sad reality though is that only a few (a remnant) comes to Jesus at all


Unless the Father…draws him

  1. The drawing of the Father to Himself is one of the promises given to Israelites in exile (Jeremiah 30:21); God will draw to Himself
    1. Only those who believe in the promises of God will come to God
    2. Only those who pledge their hearts to approach God
    3. Only the remnants who trust in the Lord
  2. The drawing of the Father here must be understood in the context of God’s teaching peoples (John 6:45); God will draw to Jesus
    1. Only those who have heard God’s teaching
    2. Only those who have learned from God
  3. God will do His parts, and we must do our parts
    1. We must draw near to God (James 4:8)
    2. We must obey what the Scriptures say (John 5: 39-40)


I will raise him up on the last day

  1. This is the promise given to us all who draw near to God
  2. This promise is the hope of us who the Father draws to Jesus
    1. We will be raised up to meet the Lord in the air (1Thes. 4:16ff)
    2. We will be risen like the Lord Jesus (1 Cor.15)



  1. Only those of us who make a conscious effort to draw near to God will be drawn to God Himself.
  2. Only if and when we are obedient to the teaching of God in the Scriptures, then will the Father draw us to the Lord Jesus!


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