As the Scriptures say (12)
The work of God
Jesus answered them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent” (John 6:29)
There are two kinds of God’s work. One is special to God and as such He alone does it. Another kind of God’s work that we are expected to fulfill is none other than having faith in Jesus the Christ!
Jesus answered them
- Jesus replied to the people who sought to labor for material blessings (John 6:27)
- They thought of attaining eternal life by laboring hard
- They misunderstood that they could earn what was imperishable and eternal by doing the works of God (John 6:28)
- The answer was loud and clear: no amount of works counts when it comes to eternal life!
This is the work of God
- There are other works God alone does because He alone can perform them
- The work of creation
- The work of judgment
- The work of redemption
- There is another work God desires us to engage in
- Believing in Jesus His Son
- Trusting in Jesus the Messiah
- Following Jesus Christ
- This is the work that God wants us to do (See also, Phil.2:13)
- God works within us to believe in Jesus
- We, in consequence, work out the working of God within us
- Simply put, our positive response to God who works in us is visible in terms of our faith in Jesus the Christ
That you believe in him…
- “That” explains what the particular work of God is
- Believing in Jesus, not doing good deeds is the way of obtaining eternal life
- Faith indeed is God’s gift and human (positive) response simultaneously
- This particular understanding of faith holds conviction and conduct in balance
- This theology of faith helps us read Paul and James better
- Let us eagerly seek to cultivate a genuine and strong faith in Jesus the Messiah
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