Bethany Independent Presbyterian Church


“Seven men of good reputation” Acts 6

“Seven men of good reputation” Acts 6

Year: 2024

Jun / 24 2024

“Seven men of good reputation” Acts 6

INTRODUCTION 1. The Founding of the Church a) In Jerusalem b) 12 Apostles c) Just 120 members Acts 1:15 2. ....

Jun / 17 2024

“They did not cease teaching and preaching” Acts 5:42

INTRODUCTION 1. The teaching ministry of the Lord Jesus a) This was extensive b) This was also corrective c) This ....

Jun / 10 2024

“One heart and one soul” Acts 4:32

INTRODUCTION 1. One accord a) The disciples were in one accord in prayer and supplications Acts 1:14 b) One accord ....

Jun / 3 2024

“Uneducated and untrained” Acts 4:13

INTRODUCTION 1. The Disciples of the Lord Jesus a) Many were humble fishermen b) One was a tax-collector 2. The ....

May / 27 2024

“Three thousand souls were added” Acts 2:41

INTRODUCTION THE MINISTRY OF THE LORD JESUS TO MULTITUDES 23 And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, ....

May / 20 2024

“Filled with the Holy Spirit” Acts 2:4

INTRODUCTION 1. The Anointing of the Messiah The Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon Him, The Spirit of wisdom ....

May / 13 2024

“With one accord” Acts 1:14

INTRODUCTION 1. The Lord Jesus reached out to Multitudes a) Cities b) Villages c) Individuals 2. He invited all to ....

May / 6 2024

“Things pertaining to the kingdom of God” Acts 1:3

INTRODUCTION 1. The Kingdom of God (Heaven) 13 And leaving Nazareth, He came and dwelt in Capernaum, which is by ....

Apr / 29 2024

“Put on love, which is the bond of perfection” Colossians 3:14

INTRODUCTION 1. The Colossian Church was not founded by the Apostle Paul 2. It was probably founded by a man ....

Apr / 22 2024

“The fruit of the Spirit” Galatian 5:22

INTRODUCTION 1. A special problem cropped up in the Galatian Church 2. False teachers had crept in a) They were ....

Apr / 15 2024

“But have not love” 1 Corinthians 13

INTRODUCTION 1. There were many attacks on the Church a) External persecution b) Internal strife 2. The Corinthian Church a) ....

Apr / 8 2024

“God demonstrates His own love towards us” Romans 5:8

INTRODUCTION 1. The Love of God a) It is profound b) It is powerful and thus life-changing 2. The Love ....