Bethany Independent Presbyterian Church


“For the work which I have called them” Acts 13:2

“For the work which I have called them” Acts 13:2

Month: July 2024

Jul / 29 2024

“For the work which I have called them” Acts 13:2

INTRODUCTION 1. The Kingdom of God a) It had expanded to Jerusalem b) All Judea c) Samaria d) Reaching the ....

Jul / 22 2024

“The word of God grew and multiplied” Acts 12:24

INTRODUCTION 1. The Growth of the Church a) It began as a Jewish Church b) Samaritans were included c) Gentiles ....

Jul / 15 2024

“In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality” Acts 10:34

INTRODUCTION 1. The Jerusalem Church a) Largely Jewish b) It was growing well 2. The Command of the Lord Jesus ....

Jul / 8 2024

“A chosen vessel of Mine” Acts 9:15

INTRODUCTION 1. The Jerusalem Church a) From a humble beginning of 120 people b) Thousands were added by the Lord ....

Jul / 1 2024

“Full of faith and power” Acts 6:8

INTRODUCTION 1. A new set of leaders a) This was needed b) A group of Seven was identified 2. The ....