Bethany Independent Presbyterian Church


“Greater love has no one than this” John 15:13

“Greater love has no one than this” John 15:13

Month: March 2024

Mar / 31 2024

“Greater love has no one than this” John 15:13

 INTRODUCTION 1. There are many things we celebrate at Easter a) God’s Plan of Salvation b) The Lord Jesus ....

Mar / 25 2024

“Love one another as I have loved you” John 13:34

INTRODUCTION 1. Many lessons have been learned about Love a) God’s love for Israel b) The Lord Jesus’ love for ....

Mar / 22 2024

“He loved them to the end” John 13

INTRODUCTION 1. The love of the Lord Jesus was clearly seen in the way He related to His disciples 2. ....

Mar / 11 2024

“Therefore My Father loves Me” John 10:17

INTRODUCTION 1. The Love between God the Father and the Lord Jesus a) It existed b) It is exemplary c) ....

Mar / 4 2024

“For God so loved the world” John 3:16

INTRODUCTION 1. The Doctrine of the Love of God a) This was taught b) This was demonstrated 2. The Loss ....