Bethany Independent Presbyterian Church


“Members of the household of God” Ephesians 1-2

“Members of the household of God” Ephesians 1-2

Year: 2023

Jul / 17 2023

“Members of the household of God” Ephesians 1-2

INTRODUCTION 1. The Church is called by several names 2. Each name has its own significance 3. Each name adds ....

Jul / 10 2023

“Blessed us with every blessing” Ephesians 1

NTRODUCTION 1. In the formation of Israel a) God provided b) He protected c) His Presence was with the nation ....

Jul / 3 2023

“I will build My church” Matthew 16; Isaiah 28; Psalm 118

INTRODUCTION 1. The Doctrine of the Church is called “Ecclesiology” 2. There was strong prophetic teaching concerning the formation of ....

Jun / 26 2023

“An epistle of Christ” 2 Corinthians 3:3

INTRODUCTION 1. The Ministry of the Holy Spirit a) Varied b) Vital 2. Special areas of ministry a) Empowering b) ....

Jun / 19 2023

“The Spirit of truth” John 15:26

INTRODUCTION 1. The Giving of the Spirit of God a) A prophecy b) A promise c) Fulfilled 2. Learning more ....

Jun / 12 2023

“He will give you another Helper” John 14:16

INTRODUCTION 1. Vital teachings about the Holy Spirit 2. These were essential truths that the Lord Jesus taught His disciples ....

Jun / 5 2023

“We have received the Spirit who is from God” 1 Corinthians 2:12

INTRODUCTION 1. The Spirit of God is a wondrous Gift from God a) He is our Seal b) He is ....

May / 29 2023

“I will pour My Spirit on your descendants” Isaiah 44:3

INTRODUCTION 1. Specific individuals filled with the Spirit of God a) Joseph b) Bezalel and Aholiab c) Joshua 2. What ....

May / 22 2023

“A man in whom is the Spirit” Numbers 27

INTRODUCTION 1. The work of the Holy Spirit in a person a) Special b) Specific c) Significant 2. The challenge ....

May / 15 2023

“I have filled him with the Spirit of God” Exodus 31:3

INTRODUCTION 1. The work of filling a) It is from the LORD b) It is carefully given 2. A challenge ....