Bethany Independent Presbyterian Church


“Dispensation of the grace of God” Ephesians 3

“Dispensation of the grace of God” Ephesians 3

Month: July 2023

Jul / 24 2023

“Dispensation of the grace of God” Ephesians 3

INTRODUCTION 1. The Grace of God results in many blessings a) Salvation b) Sanctification c) Service 2. Paul offers himself ....

Jul / 17 2023

“Members of the household of God” Ephesians 1-2

INTRODUCTION 1. The Church is called by several names 2. Each name has its own significance 3. Each name adds ....

Jul / 10 2023

“Blessed us with every blessing” Ephesians 1

NTRODUCTION 1. In the formation of Israel a) God provided b) He protected c) His Presence was with the nation ....

Jul / 3 2023

“I will build My church” Matthew 16; Isaiah 28; Psalm 118

INTRODUCTION 1. The Doctrine of the Church is called “Ecclesiology” 2. There was strong prophetic teaching concerning the formation of ....