Bethany Independent Presbyterian Church


PASTORAL LETTER   5 September 2022

PASTORAL LETTER   5 September 2022

Year: 2022



PASTORAL LETTER   5 September 2022

    Dear Brethren, MEDITATION For I want you to know what a great conflict I have for you and ....

Sep / 12 2022

“Whoever hears these sayings of Mine” Matthew 7:24

INTRODUCTION 1. The need for Faith This is without question 2. But how does one actually develop Faith?   THE ....

Sep / 5 2022

“O you of little faith” Matthew 6:30

INTRODUCTION 1. What was the state of the world when the Lord Jesus was on earth? 2. Matthew wrote these ....



PASTORAL LETTER   29 August 2022

    Dear Brethren, MEDITATION Him we preach, warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we ....

Aug / 29 2022

“My strength is made perfect in weakness” 2 Corinthians 12:1-10

INTRODUCTION 1. The outstanding Apostle Paul a) In Faith b) In Life c) In Ministry d) In accomplishments 2. The ....



PASTORAL LETTER   22 August 2022

  Dear Brethren, MEDITATION The mystery which has been hidden from ages and from generations, but now has been revealed ....

Aug / 22 2022

“Renew their Strength” Isaiah 40:25-31

INTRODUCTION 1. Celebrating Bethany’s 49th Anniversary 2. Focus of our Celebration a) The LORD as our God b) The strength ....

Aug / 15 2022

“Be strong in the LORD” Ephesians 6:10-18

INTRODUCTION 1. The Teaching of Strength a) Potential of strength b) Prayer for strength i) Old Testament ii) New Testament ....

Aug / 8 2022

“Strengthened with might through His Spirit” Ephesians 3:14-21

INTRODUCTION 1. Lessons from the Old Testament a) Lessons from Psalm 68 b) Relevant Lessons c) Vital Lessons 2. Lessons ....




  Dear Brethren, MEDITATION And you, who once were alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now ....

Aug / 1 2022

“Ascribe strength to God” Psalm 68:28-35

INTRODUCTION 1. The Person of God Psalm 68:1-6 2. The Presence of God Psalm 68:7-8 3. The Provision of God ....

Jul / 25 2022

“The chariots of God” Psalm 68:17-20

INTRODUCTION 1. Chariots were associated with powerful kingdoms 2. Ancient Egypt was famous for its chariots in the days of ....